Video Deconstruction: Storytelling For my video deconstruction I took inspiration from The Wayseer Manifesto in how he used a variety of clips to provide a visual to his own manifesto. My deconstruction video centers around certain parts of a TED talk given by Andrew Stanton (a PIXAR director/ producer) and I combined it with various clips from different animated children's movies. I wanted to show that children's movies (specifically animated children's movies) are often a lot deeper and more thought provoking than people tend give them credit for. Even though all of these movies were created with child audiences in mind, the messages of these stories aren't just limited to children but for all ages and this is the main point that I wanted to get across.
With the exception of Nero, all of these are actually artist that I've listened to before prior to the assignment. Although a few of the artists incorporate the use of technology more than the others in their music, all of the artist were chosen on the baseline that within the rhythm/ beat of their music you can tell that they incorporate sounds made through the use of machines like sound synthesizers, music sequencers, sampler and etc. Electronic/ DJ: Porter Robinson Porter Robinson is an American DJ / producer. All of his music is produced through the use of technology which is one of the reasons why I choose him for this category. The second is that the type of music he produces is strangely calming - there is this melodious sound to it. Which I find super cool especially since a lot of the sounds he uses to construct his music are very robotic and technical sounding. In some of his music it is literally made in a way where it sounds like a robot is singing. But...